Our Stories
Making Math Teachers Smile
Happy BD High School math teachers with their battery donations
For many years, the GFWC-Brown Deer Junior Woman's Club annual School Supply project has been run by member Sarah Cook. She really enjoys the challenge of getting the most for our money ($500 for 2022) and the appreciation she receives from the recipients. Sarah reports below on this year's donation which was dropped off in early December. Thank you for your efforts on this project and the great story, Sarah!
It was the high school’s turn to receive donations from our club this year. As only six staff members responded specifically to the wish list, we were able to be quite generous!
Instead of constantly have to buy pencils for their students, three teachers each received 200.
A math teacher now has enough batteries (152) to keep 38 graphing calculators running.
The social worker requested assignment/planner notebooks. She uses them as a tool to show students how to better structure their study time. A Black Friday special enabled us to purchase 10 more than planned for a total of 35 – love a sale!
The bulletin boards around the high school will continue to look great after the staff member who creates them received much-needed help for their upkeep!
Everyone expressed appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the “Juniors.”